Wednesday, September 15, 2010


For a number of reasons, mostly related to a super virus, I've decided to upgrade my PC.'

One day I'd like to build my own PC, Laptop and Netbook, but for now I'll just work on my lovely EEE PC 1000HE.

the first step is to upgrade the Harddrive, this should defeat my dasterdly super virus and give me experience in changing the hard drive in a blessedly simple manuever.

I'm thinking of going with a 500GB Hard drive from Sea gate.

Ultimately I want to partition my hard drive. My goal is to dual load Windows XP SP3 and Linux (Not 100% decided which distro, just yet. I'm familiar with EEEBuntu though)

I'm wondering what I should do with the old hard drive and if I could make it into an External Hard Drive...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Dropping Science. Or "Grumblings"

This science class, Intro. to Physical Science is really frivolous and my mom's reason for wanting me to take it is, I think, stupid. (To prepare me for General Chemistry next semester--this class isn't a prerequisite! This class teaches only 1 section on chemistry...and since its 2x a week, I doubt it will be very thorough.)

I'm taking College Algebra and Spanish III this semester, I've been counting on taking these 2 classes together, and alone, for a long while now. I'm royally pissed about this science class. My GPA is in a precarious place already and I feel that keeping pace with an erratic science class is going to be a hurt, not a help. It wont count towards my Degree, it WILL detract from the time that I spend on Mathematics...if I ace all 3 of my classes, I can raise my GPA to 3.75.

If I ace just two classes then I can raise my GPA to 3.74...

Right now, I need
4hrs electives (Spanish III is exactly 4)
6hrs of Math (College Algebra is 3)
6hrs of Science (Intro. Physical Sci is 3)

If I keep my current schedule then I will NEED only 2 classes in the Spring, instead of 3, for my AA degree. HOWEVER, right now the plan is still to major in Engineering, so, therefore, I must accept the fact that I have several credits left to earn. Here is the breakdown:

hr -- CLASS
03 -- PreCalc
03 -- Trigonometry
03 -- Chemistry
05 -- Calc I
05 -- Calc II
04 -- Calc III
05 -- Physics I
05 -- Physics II

33 -- Total Credits remaining and its going to take me about 16 more months of school:
Pre Calc, Trig, Chemis
Calc II, Physics I
Calc III, Physics II

I dont even want to think about what I'm going to do with Spanish during all that time, I'll probably try and take 1 spanish Class at a neighboring University each semester starting Next summer, no matter what.

However, that would, I think, give me a nice jump on the other Engineering students and I really feel that I should take my core classes in isolation from others if I'm to do my best.

I'm also having a lot of 2nd thoughts about what to do in school. When I took Web Design, I did well in the class, but, when I was done, I found that I'd lost my passion and drive to do Web Design...when I was done. Already I feel myself being drained of my passion and curiousity for electronics...Does this mean I should major in something I dont care about...?

I'm tempted to finish my AA degree this semester by taking an express session for math and Science later on, my grades would be poor, I'm sure, but atleast then I'd be done and I could take some time to think about what I want to do with myself.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oh, a goal.

I'm not 100% sure how I'm going to do this, but I want this to be the semester that I hit a 4.0 GPA. I will probably never have this chance again, and I know that with Algebra it will be a struggle, but I'm game.

I'm not sure how, but I want 3 A's on my transcript for this semester. I'm at 3.7 now and I want to finish my Jr. College career with a 3.75.

Hi Sum--Whoa! Bye Summer

What in the world is going on! Summer is over, this is the second day of school.

Last semester I made:
Af. Amer Literature--A
Intermed. Algebra ---B

This semester I'm taking:
College Algebra --- 5x a week (thank god!)
Physical Science -- 2x a week (mom is adamant that I take this class)
Spanish 3 (Int.) -- 4x a week + lab.

I've been so busy but haven't gotten a thing done all summer! I'm not sure where all the time has gone or how this semester will play out. *grr*

My rooms a mess, my house needs cleaning, I'm behing in all 3 classes on homework, I'm ill prepared for the semester (I need shoes and cant find my backpack!)

The best thing is with Ramadan atleast my diet is under control...

I'll be updating more often now that schools back in session, I hope.

Wish me luck, pray for me, send money.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Final Final in 15

Sorry everyone for the unexpected hiatus. I just wanted to log in and make a post to announce that
1) I made an A+ in my Literature class!!! (Unfortunately, the school uses only base grades, so I only get an A)
2) I have my Algebra final in 15 minutes. I feel mildly...mild. Not bad, not good. We'll see how long it takes to get my score back...

In case you dont get it, I'm taking 2 classes (or took 2 classes) this summer. I've taken my 1st final already and I'm going take my 2nd final now, so this is my last (or final) Final!

Now do you get it? Huh? huh?

Well, uhm...I dont want to get to the test late, so...

I gotta go!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Update -- Not Going Well....

As it stands, I scrapped the Algebra in 15 days thing because I could NOT afford the class. I got a little ahead of myself, so I've been sticking out Intermediate Algebra (not as if I dont NEED) the class.

My final is the 15th at 1:00 pm. After will be all over folks! Yikes! Dont know how this is going to work, I've been trying to prepare and tie up any loose ends in my HomeWork but...I just dont know...I feel the beginnings of Burn Out.

I'm thinking that I'm going to take the fall off.

Right now, my Possible Schedules for Fall are:

NO CLASSES, studying at home for Algebra and Spanish III

Spanish III, Inter. Algebra (just incase!)

College Algebra and JUST college Algebra

OR....If I decide to take the test and I make it, then

Pre Calc and Trigonometry...

I really feel like I want to take the time off though. I'm tired of school right now, I feel like I'm spinning my wheels in life and cant get any enthusiasm for school (or anything!) at all....

Maybe I should just work through the Fall and study on my own for school;

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A new goal! -- College Algebra in 15 days

I have 2 weeks to study intensively and actually learn the material I need to know to place into College Algebra. If I do this, then I can drop Inter. Mediate Algebra, take College Algebra in the 2nd summer Session and set my entire graduation schedule ahead about 5 months. That would be awesome!

Starting today I'm going to be working hard and looking for a tutor to help me with the tough stuff. I only have until the 23rd to do this. If I fail, then I will continue at the pace that I am going and just graduate in the summer 2012, ready for Engineering School, but if I succeed, how glorious that could be. Inshallah, if I work hard and do my part, Allah will aide me and do the rest.

Basically I have to study and LEARN everything that my current class will cover in the next...5 weeks, in 2. Should'nt be too hard.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Formally Announcing

I'm thinking about Alternative Majors, just in case I dont like Engineering or cant cut it.

I had entertained the idea of Social Work, but thats out, I figured I'd better keep more formal track, after all, whats the point of this little Blog if I dont use it for what it was created for?

Alternative Majors for Consideration:
Information Technology
Computer Science
Engineering (Computer, Electronic, Electrical)
Business Administration

Minors to be considered:
Creative Writing

No longer considering

Social work as an alternative 4 year degree. A couple weeks ago, there was a list on Yahoo of the 10 lowest paid majors and guess how Social work ranked? #1!

Yeah, so, it never occurred to me to check how much money social workers make. I was hesitant because I know some of the horror stories about this line of work. You have to see tragic things, you have to step in between families and take parents out of childrens lives. Sometimes for the better, sometimes -- due to misunderstandings -- for the worse.

Its truly a career you have to love the work, but I felt I might be to soft for this line of work anyway, as I cant stand to upset people. I'm more of a people pleaser than anything else. Also, who wants an irrate parent to stalk and or attack them for butting into their lives?

Anyway, knowing what highstress, emotionally taxing job this was, I had figured that the work would make it worth while. The sort of life style that I want to lead would make this a bad career choice, Absolutely not.

I'll keep looking.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

An Odd Oversight.

I dropped a class today. My Science class.

Why? Because I dont need it and I feel tired and cranky about it and it would eat away at what few precious hours I have remaining toward my degree.

Because I'm looking at Engineering, I'll be required to take Chemistry, and two semesters of Physics, and there is a special clause that says I can waive/work around the general science requirements if I'm pursuing a degree that requires special selections of Science.

So this summer I'm taking only two classes: Literature and Algebra. Thank God!

I'm relieved, I will be buying a copy of the textbook for my private collection, as it was a great book and all, but right now I need money and more time to focus on whats' on my plate and whats coming up ahead.

Its been almost a year since I began school. I'm kind of pleased with my progress, as when I finish in mid-July I will have earned (assuming all goes well) 42 credits!

I'll need to do some serious soul searching this summer, to decide if I want to finish the AA off this fall and go do something else, or if I want to grit my teeth and really go for Engineering...Hmm...

I will have 4 classes left in the Fall. 2 Maths and 2 Sciences, if I decided NOT to go for Engineering. I can take classes on an A-B schedule and 4 hours of electives, (Spanish III) and be done with the first leg of my College journey.


I can have 5 maths and 3 sciences left, take 1-3 classes a semester until Spring 2012 and then have a brief break before starting at Uni in the fall....

Decisions, Decisions....

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I wanna be a mathemagician, I wanna be a mathematician!

So, I passed my Elem. Algebra class this semester with a B, but I feel that I've learned minimally. I learned inqualities and started on factoring but factoring is still rather clumsy to my mind.

However, I'm ready to start Intermediate Algebra because I've got something to prove to myself come the fall. I'll either be ready for College Algebra, (and Engineering PreReqs!) or not. I am hoping for the latter.

Anyway, I'm going to rework my way through an Elementary Algebra book but, more importantly, I've finally gotten my hands on a Mental Math book. Secrets of Mental Math. I've already learned a couple of tricks and I intend to do the whole book.

For now, I've borrowed my schools copy, but I may have to get my own copy eventually. I'm going to be starting a special blog dedicated to math in a few minutes and I just wanted to write to say so.

Changinge Objectives

Or I suppose you could say "drifting objectives"

I started this blog with the intention of documenting my race to finish school with 2 degrees, an AA and an AS and with 3 certificates. I am, on track to complete my AA by the end of the fall semester, as I have only 7 elective credits, and 5 classes left.

I will be taking 3 classes this summer (one of which is 3 hrs of my electives)
I'll also take 4 classes this fall (4hrs of which will be my remaining electives)

But as I've decided to go into Engineering, thats tacked on a year of pre-reqs I have to knock out. My decision to major in Engineering has changed my plans a bit, as I no longer feel the need to earn a second 2-year degree (An AS, in Electronic Technology Engineerin) and I have never wanted an AS in Paralegal and Legal Studies. MY end-game plan is still to get a respectable GPA and eventually sit for the LSAT and go to law school, but now my methods for wanting to get their have changed.

I'd still like to take the time to earn two Certificates, (Small Business Management and Personal Trainer) but I no longer have a clear cut plan to achieve this goal. I'll have to put some thought into this, and consider my options.

It may be necessary to leave off the certificates at this time, as they've recently enacted a new law that penalizes excess credits earned...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Finally! -- Its Almost Over....

This semester has finally, finally, finally, come to the winding down point and now it is almost over! Just one more day and one more final.

Psychology final is tomorrow 10-12. Be there, or be a "B". Meh, its the wrong attitude to have, but I'm pretty much burnt out, and though I will sit the final, I dont much care whether I get an A or a B in this class. If I make an A on the test, then I make an A in the class, but I'm not so upset about finishing with a B either. I'm angry with myself because I feel that I should care more, but...I dont, not really.

I feel drained and I cant concentrate on a textbook for more than a few minutes at a time. I hope I'll get an A on the test, but if I dont...

By the way, I've passed my other class with the grades as follows:

Spanish II--A
World Rel--A
Improv ------A
Net Biz ------B
Algebra -----B*
Psycho ------B-A

*because this is a remedial class, it doesn't count in my GPA, but I'm proud of that B anyway.

Actually, now that I'm looking at it, I think I'd much rather more A's than B's so I'm going to give the old 1-2 Study Roo another go.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Leveling Out -- And Averaging an B!?

So, I have a very merciful teacher (and many equally incompetent classmates) so the Teacher gave us a make up exam, and I was able to get lots of help on the practice exam.

I took the make up exam and my grade of 100% replaced the 40% on Test 2. So, with a B in the lab and and A- in the homework I think, without crunching any numbers, that my grade averages a shaky B right about now. All I have to do is keep punching away at my work. I feel a lot more confident right now though, and am even able to get through homework without feeling overwhelmed. I cant lapse during the Spring Break though!

I'm going to try and catch up in the lab and pull ahead in the class work. Wish me lots of luck, pray for me! If nothing else, send money! :).

Anyway, I feel good about my mathematical self again. What if I pass both Elementary and Intermediate Algebra? I wonder if I can make it in College Algebra and even Calculus? One semester at a time though, one semester at a time.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Failing At the Speed of F

I took Test 2 for my Algebra class. I failed it even worse than my first test. I got a 40%. I attempted 17/20 of the questions.

You do the math. I'm done right about now.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Advising Day

Yesterday was BNU* Advising day at my school. Its when all those hateful souls who are disatisfied with their lot in life decend upon the Jr college campus to crush the dreams of the unsuspecting, or, when the University Advisors from one of the big schools comes to campus to pre-reject you from your school of hope.

Anyway, I talked to the folks in Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology yesterday. Engineering Advisors took no time at all to laugh in my face when I told them I was in Intro. Algebra but wanted to pursue Electronic Technology Engineering, I admit their stance was valid. To be an Engineer you have to take College Algebra, PreCalculus, Calculus I, II, and III then start on a series of Discrete Mathematics, and also you cant forget your healthy dose of Trigonometry and all that good stuff. head was spinning. (Still is.) I knew that I'd need Calc and a bit of Trig, not to mention a strong base in Algebra but...I dont know. there was something about watching the advisor write a list of Math classes that ran of the friggin PAGE that intimidated the worst sort of way....But, I asked if maybe, just maybe, if I could get to Discrete Math, how hard is it and they just sort of blew me off totally. Wow...

They recommended I look into Computer Science (Medium Math Intensity) and Information Technology (Mild Math Intesity) because Electronic Technology Engineering (Extreme Math Intesivity) was probably not for me.

I talked to the Computer Sciene and Information technology, I learned something new about those fields and I have to say that if the world were perfect and I could easily see myself coping with the math, I'd love to double major in Computer Science and Electronic Technology Engineering because it'd be the perfect fit. I've always wanted to build a gadget and then program it to make it work!

If I study Computer Science I have the option of going for an BA with minimal math, or a BS, more math...

If I go IT, I could avoid math pretty much all together. After doing PreCalculus, hmm....

*Big Name University

Accumulating Resources!

Okay, so I'm determined to do well in Algebra. I need to take Test 2 and from now on do well.

Currently, I'm doing well, on track in my lab work.
My homework grade is so far so good. My test grades are horrible.

I've only taken 1 test, but I need to take test two ASAP. Also, I need to be sure NOT to fail this class.

I KNOW that once upon a time, I learned this material. Its all in the back of my head somewhere, I knew it. It makes sense when I see it done, I just cant seem to learn how to perform the math myself so that it not only makes sense, but is also accurate when I do it.

I've decided already that the pity party was over. Its not too late to learn, after all: So long as I'm alive, mobile and sentient, I'm able.

I looked more closely into the course software and voila! There are video tutorials. I talked to my teacher Mr. D (God bless this paitient, paitient man!) and he told me that I CAN access previous homework so that I can continue to practice it. Which is what I need to do...

I'm going to download all the tutorials videos that I can so that I can review practice at will in all areas of this math class I'm taking. My mission is to actually master the material I'm learning, because I want to take Intermediate Algebra over the summer. Followed by College Algebra and Math II for liberal Arts in the Fall.

Monday, February 8, 2010

2+2 = 5...? Ah who cares, I'm BAAAACK!!!

Alright, so I got a bit of help from my friends, two sisters who are aces in all things math. Just two sessions with them and my confidence is now above my knees again (it'd fallen through the basement floor after Test #1)

I absolutely understand graphing inequalities and was even able to explain it to someone else, and get the answer correct! I did my math homework and online quiz, all by my lonesome in about 30 minutes and got 100 on both. Wow....

I'm on track in the Independent Lab, just a wee bit behind. The goal for Feb 14 was 111 and its now Feb 17 and I'm haven't gone further than 111, I'll have to catch up.

Even though I can do inequalities well enough now, I'm keep screwing up the graphing equations in Two variables things and I'm really insecure about taking the 2nd test....sheesh, whats a girl to do?

EDIT: I'm at 118, I just didn't realize how far ahead I had worked in the lab. That means I'm effectively half way through the lab portion of my course even though class only started on January 6th, yay me!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dropping a Class = Giving up = Loser?!?

So, the suspense of whether or not I will fail a test has passed, finally. I failed my first Algebra test. It was spectacular, I was really confident and I thought I knew what I was doing! I was a little uncertain about a couple of problems that asked for solution sets, I dont even remember doing them in class.

I thought maybe I got a B- or even a C because of those questions. I got a 10/24, an F. But since it was computerized and I had a few input errors, my teacher gave me credit for 3 more problems. My final score was 13/24, still an F.


Today we start section two, which is something about Graphing....I'm clue less. I tried to look at the material last night but just like in 10th grade, I had NO IDEA what they were talking about. I have until March 26th to make up my mind but I'm not considering dropping this class.

Meeting only Tuesday and Thursday and always in a rush when we do because the Teachers got us on a pacing schedule I dont know if I can keep up. I try to. I really do. I work problems and I always feel that I have an understanding of math BUT when I took that test, I failed it. I wasn't even close.

I have 5 other classes and I try to be realistic. I know that I could take 6 classes if there was no math involved...Math has such a special way of making me feel like the stupidest being on two legs. It really does...


I dont want to rush the decision, but I am thinking about dropping the class, I'll probably wait until March, that way I can see if I can make a turn around, right now I have an F in the class...I've never done this in any class but Algebra....Always in Algebra...

If I drop the class now, I could contine to study but I could do it more regularly and keep going until I have the material "mastered" so what would that mean for my Summer Schedule?

Assuming I pass all my classes this semester (yeah, right!)
I will have:
3 Math classes (Intermediate Algebra + 2 College level maths)
2 Science
1 Humanity
8 hrs of Electives classes standing in my way.

Over the summer, I can do all the Sessions:

Session A: 1 Science, Elective (3)
Session B: 1 Science, Elective (3)
Session C: Intermediate Algebra

So that in the fall I would have

2 Maths
1 Humanity and
2 (HRs) of Electives to graduate. I'd take a sport (Judo, Tennis, Golf) or Guitar for those two hours of Electives.

I plan to take my College maths Simultaneously. Not one after the other.... But how would having to retake Introductory Algebra throw this schedule off?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why Sucky Math Skills CAN be Good for You

Okay, so yesterday was my last day to finish my SPI (Self-Paced Instruction) class about the US Constitution and I had been trying to review for my last test all weekend, I was rather unsuccessful and it was frustrating because it was material I'd studied and at one point felt that I knew well enough to be tested on.

I was reviewing after my morning class, willfully skipping my Psych class in favor of preping for this impending test. Anyway, I'd concluded last night that since I had a "B" average in the class, I must get another "B" to recieve a "B" on my transcript, but I sat down to do the math quickly with pen and paper and I was surprised and absolutely delighted to find that actually, I could get a flat "D" on the 3rd test and still recieve a B in the class.

I checked twice more, becoming more and more excited as I went. (84+88+60=232, 232/3=77. just so you know) Anyway, I was doing it on paper and calculating in my head and I came up with an average of 84. I told myself that it didn't make sense but I checked again and again and even asked a friend to double check my numbers because they were so delightfully shocking. It didn't make since, BUT the numbers added up!

Anyway, after taking some of the stress off myself by realizing all I "needed" for a "B" in the class was a "D" on the test I was able to concentrate on my studies and found that I DID in actuality know the material. I self-quizzed for a little while and then I went to test. I feel really confident about my test score. I think I may have even gotten an "A" thanks to the extra credit.

Anyway, riding home on the bus I used a calculator because the little voice in the back of my head kept insisting I pay more attention when it said that B+B+D/3 = B average.

So I used the calculator and sure enough, earning a flat D on that test would pull my grade down to a C. Even getting a "C-" or "C"on the test would make my course grade a C so I needed at least a C+, but I really do feel that I made a high B or maybe, just maybe, an "A"

Anyway, the moral of the story: Unless you have a math test coming up, sometimes sucky mathskills can be good for you. They can give you the confidence you need to achieve your potential.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2 Down, 1 to go.

Okay, looks like I'm headed for a definite B in my POS SPI class but I dont mind. I've taken two tests and I have one left to go. I'm going to take it on Monday probably, but it'd be awesome if I could take it Friday...Hmmm....I wonder....

I got a B on both Test 1 and 2 but I was pretty close to an A with the second test. My goal for the third test is a B so hopefully I will come out of this whole mess with a B...

Well gotta go study. Bye

Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Semester in Full Swing

Okay, so school started on the 6th and so far, it's looking like its going to be an interesting semester. I have 7 classes, until I finish that SPI class, but after January I'll only have 6. (Hmm, "Only" thats a good one)

Anyway, the classes that I have are:

General Pyschology
World Religions
Elementary Algebra
Spanish II
Starting a Business on the Internet --WEB--Runs along with the rest of my courses
Creative Improv.
Foundations of the US Constitution --SPI-- which ends Feb. 1, 2010

My aim is to get an A in all my main classes this semester. It will be the first semester I make all "A's" if I can manage my time. I know that I CAN, do it, its just a matter of focusing and working hard.

I dont have the textbook for my SPI class anymore so the best I can make is a B which I'd be very grateful for out of that course. Making a B in that course wouldn't count because technically, I should've been done with it AGES ago.