Sunday, November 1, 2009


I'm also planning on Doing NanoWrimo this year. I did it last year and enjoyed it, though I didn't get to socialize much with my fellow writers I did complete a novels worth of story.

This year I'd like to complete a novel or atleast the first (50,000) words of one again. I plan on doing it and still keeping up in school. How, I'm not 100% sure about that yet, but wish me luck.

Post MideTerm

So I have a couple of big projects in the works. Mid Term itself wasn't really stressful as I had no tests or anything, nd I'm not feeling too motivated to do alot. I'm really, really disorganized still but my math is slowly creeping back up to par. I registered for some classes already, I'm going to tweak my schedule a bit more between now and January.

This is going to be a busy week though. I have a few important things to do:

A group presentation in Spanish first thing tomorrow.
I have an Expository Paper due in English tomorrow but this friday my big ENG paper is due, its worth 15% of my grade
and Tuesday I have to have one level working of my game in my Game Programming Class.

Wish me luck.