Wednesday, September 15, 2010


For a number of reasons, mostly related to a super virus, I've decided to upgrade my PC.'

One day I'd like to build my own PC, Laptop and Netbook, but for now I'll just work on my lovely EEE PC 1000HE.

the first step is to upgrade the Harddrive, this should defeat my dasterdly super virus and give me experience in changing the hard drive in a blessedly simple manuever.

I'm thinking of going with a 500GB Hard drive from Sea gate.

Ultimately I want to partition my hard drive. My goal is to dual load Windows XP SP3 and Linux (Not 100% decided which distro, just yet. I'm familiar with EEEBuntu though)

I'm wondering what I should do with the old hard drive and if I could make it into an External Hard Drive...

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