Thursday, February 18, 2010

Advising Day

Yesterday was BNU* Advising day at my school. Its when all those hateful souls who are disatisfied with their lot in life decend upon the Jr college campus to crush the dreams of the unsuspecting, or, when the University Advisors from one of the big schools comes to campus to pre-reject you from your school of hope.

Anyway, I talked to the folks in Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology yesterday. Engineering Advisors took no time at all to laugh in my face when I told them I was in Intro. Algebra but wanted to pursue Electronic Technology Engineering, I admit their stance was valid. To be an Engineer you have to take College Algebra, PreCalculus, Calculus I, II, and III then start on a series of Discrete Mathematics, and also you cant forget your healthy dose of Trigonometry and all that good stuff. head was spinning. (Still is.) I knew that I'd need Calc and a bit of Trig, not to mention a strong base in Algebra but...I dont know. there was something about watching the advisor write a list of Math classes that ran of the friggin PAGE that intimidated the worst sort of way....But, I asked if maybe, just maybe, if I could get to Discrete Math, how hard is it and they just sort of blew me off totally. Wow...

They recommended I look into Computer Science (Medium Math Intensity) and Information Technology (Mild Math Intesity) because Electronic Technology Engineering (Extreme Math Intesivity) was probably not for me.

I talked to the Computer Sciene and Information technology, I learned something new about those fields and I have to say that if the world were perfect and I could easily see myself coping with the math, I'd love to double major in Computer Science and Electronic Technology Engineering because it'd be the perfect fit. I've always wanted to build a gadget and then program it to make it work!

If I study Computer Science I have the option of going for an BA with minimal math, or a BS, more math...

If I go IT, I could avoid math pretty much all together. After doing PreCalculus, hmm....

*Big Name University

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