So, the suspense of whether or not I will fail a test has passed, finally. I failed my first Algebra test. It was spectacular, I was really confident and I thought I knew what I was doing! I was a little uncertain about a couple of problems that asked for solution sets, I dont even remember doing them in class.
I thought maybe I got a B- or even a C because of those questions. I got a 10/24, an F. But since it was computerized and I had a few input errors, my teacher gave me credit for 3 more problems. My final score was 13/24, still an F.
Today we start section two, which is something about Graphing....I'm clue less. I tried to look at the material last night but just like in 10th grade, I had NO IDEA what they were talking about. I have until March 26th to make up my mind but I'm not considering dropping this class.
Meeting only Tuesday and Thursday and always in a rush when we do because the Teachers got us on a pacing schedule I dont know if I can keep up. I try to. I really do. I work problems and I always feel that I have an understanding of math BUT when I took that test, I failed it. I wasn't even close.
I have 5 other classes and I try to be realistic. I know that I could take 6 classes if there was no math involved...Math has such a special way of making me feel like the stupidest being on two legs. It really does...
I dont want to rush the decision, but I am thinking about dropping the class, I'll probably wait until March, that way I can see if I can make a turn around, right now I have an F in the class...I've never done this in any class but Algebra....Always in Algebra...
If I drop the class now, I could contine to study but I could do it more regularly and keep going until I have the material "mastered" so what would that mean for my Summer Schedule?
Assuming I pass all my classes this semester (yeah, right!)
I will have:
3 Math classes (Intermediate Algebra + 2 College level maths)
2 Science
1 Humanity
hrs of Electives classes standing in my way.
Over the summer, I can do all the Sessions:
Session A: 1 Science, Elective (3)
Session B: 1 Science, Elective (3)
Session C: Intermediate Algebra
So that in the fall I would have
2 Maths
1 Humanity and
2 (HRs) of Electives to graduate. I'd take a sport (Judo, Tennis, Golf) or Guitar for those two hours of Electives.
I plan to take my College maths Simultaneously. Not one after the other.... But how would having to retake Introductory Algebra throw this schedule off?