Monday, September 7, 2009

Schedule Issues

Currently my typical weekday looks something like this:

M, W, F,
05 am. Wake up
07 am. Bus
08am. Arrive at school
09am. SPN class.
10am. ENC class.
11am - 2pm. BREAK Studying, reading, daydreaming, etc...
2.5pm. AMH Class BREAK
04pm BUS
05pm Home again.


05am-8am Wake up, dress, RANDOM.
08am BUS
09am SPN lab class.
10am - 1 BREAK
01pm Intro. to Game Prog.
2.3pm BREAK.
03pm BUS
04pm HOME again

Now what I do during those breaks is so random its pathetic. I pay attention in class and afterward I'm focused for about 15 minutes while I sort through my notes but mostly I am sitting around always planning but never really acting on those plans. Its a vicious trait, one common in chronic procrastinators and one I want desperately to break.

I arrive at school an hr. early because attendance is vital for my morning class and the 8'o clock bus is always late due to heavy traffic, so I have to take the 7'o clock bus if I'm going to be on time to Spanish. But I dont see too much reason for me to stay beyond 1 or 2 o clock most days that I'm at school. My goal with setting that schedule was to synch my schedule with my 3 friends and to give myself ample study/review time while enjoying the added luxury of good teachers this semester.

By 6:30 I've totally lost focus for the day, I just sort of kill time. I'd like to take this time, to do chores, exercise, play and refocus my energies.

The worst thing about this semester thus far is history class, or more specifically its time. I have been thinking about it even though the class is only 50 minutes long, I'm essentially spending 3.5 hrs on that class because of all the waiting around I do because of it.

From now on, I'm going to do my SPN and ENC work right away--I usually do this anyway, read for History and go home unless something important will be happening in that class that demands my attention. I've already cleared this with my history instructor so I feel no real shame. I'll go to history on the days of Test reviews and tests only. Plus the last week of class because there will be bonus content presented that is vital to my final exam.

I am hoping that by the end of Week 4. My schedule will look more like this:

7am Bus.
9 - 2 Classes and Study time
3pm home.
4pm chores.
5pm exercise
6pm relax
7pm read
9pm bed.
3am get up.

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