Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Updates

Okay, nothing drastic has changed but I dont want the blog to get too out of date and since this is Labor Day and there is no school, I'm writing to inform anyone who cares of my current status.

Lets see, Friday my Certification as a Web Designer FINALLY came in the mail!!! YAY!!!

Friday was a long day, but it looks like we are finally getting in to the meat of the semester!

I got my first serious writing assingment in English II, I did my first mandatory stint in SPN Lab and boy was it boring! and I went to my US History class, but man, that was boring. I'm thinking of not going anymore. I'm not sure its the most productive use of my time. Also, I'm going to sign up for a SPI (Self-Paced Instruction) class to meet my degree requirement about learning the US Constitution, I set up an appointment with a counsilor for this week to start the class.

I've decided to do Lang. Lab 3 times a week, for about 20 mintues to meet my requirement and not get in trouble for falling asleep during the lab. I enjoy the time I spend with the SPN Tutors waaay more! They're alot more fun than listening to the recordings on the PC. Lab was just so boring!!!

We've completed week 2 of 15 this semester and I'm starting to have trouble forcing myself through the slow paced, academic drudgery. I liked my summer courses alot better, though I do enjoy my teachers. I'm quite proud of myself for picking them all so carefully.

I've got to pick up in my history studies but I'm thinking of leaving off the class. Attendance isn't mandatory at all and going is actually quite bothersome because its so late in the day, but I wanted the same teacher. In fact, because I have a large family, our home is being renovated, my time is valuable and I take the bus, etc, etc, I'm considering not going to class anymore except when a test or review is concerned. I'll let you all know what I decided at the end of next week.

I keep good notes for all my classes. I'm thinking of scanning them at the end of the semester and then burning them but I dont know...

I didn't do any studying at all this weekend and thats REALLY bad. I have an assignment due tomorrow in Game Programming that I'm going to go ahead and force myself to do today at 11am whether my house is clean or not.

I've got to hammer out my time management. I have 13 credit hrs. but I'm going to get one more once I start that SPI class. My aim is to be completely done with everything by December 6th since finals start on the 7th. I want to be done with the SPI Class even before then and I dont want to make anything less than a 90% on any tests and nothing less than an 80% on any quizes.

I also need to begin working on my Game Programming Final Project. I have the main idea worked out but I need to start working ont he graphics etc. so that I wont have too much to worry about in the end. By the end of this 3rd week I want to be running a more efficient schedule.

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